NOW Travel, powered by Fora, works with you to build the trip you want and more, accessing perks and amenities at no extra cost that you can only get by working with trusted industry specialists.
With our experience and internationally trusted preferred partners for hotels, tours, and transport, we can bring your dream vacation to life quickly and with confidence.
First time travelers and globetrotters alike all benefit from the support and expertise of a travel agent to make each step toward even the most comprehensive itinerary simple and clear.
Traveling solo doesn't mean you have to be alone before and during your trip! Work with us to find out how to maximize the flexibility of going solo with experiences across the globe that cater to individual adventurers.
We like to think of every trip as a special occasion, but exploring a destination for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, holiday, etc. adds an extra layer of importance to the memories you make. Find out how we customize itineraries to make sure travelers of all generations and tastes enjoy their trip.
Sometimes we get the itch to be on a sandy beach because we need to escape a cold winter, or we need a vacation full of rest and relaxation after work has run us ragged. With thousands of luxury spa and resort properties at our fingertips, we craft an experience to transport you to your happy place!
Find out which properties and destinations are offering special rates and amenities -- don't delay, some may expire soon.